I have toned down a lot from my secondary school days. Gone were the days when I would blog about every single thing that was happening in my life, not fearing for the responsibilities that come with my words. Now, I can not do so anymore. But I have something to say.
Yesterday night, I had spoken to my man's female classmate. I had spoken to her for I had questions that only she will be able to answer (e.g. confirming that she was indeed the one who had texted me last year using my man's phone under the guise of him), and even though she should have guessed beforehand that I detest her (for the exact same reason), I had just wanted to reaffirm that belief, and to let her know my reasons why. I am aghast that she had called me intrusive after I had texted her using my phone. If this isn't a pot calling a kettle black, I don't know what is.
Regardless, I am happy that I had spoken to her, for now I have answers. As our conversation went by, I let loose a breath of relief. She was how I had imagined her to be, and I am relieved. I would have been horrifically angry after she had insulted me in her second last text, but I was not. Because unlike her, I did not judge, and I was amused that she did.
If you ever read this, my dear one, I am thankful that you have included me into your prayers. I would like you to know that if I was indeed 'fearful' of you, I would not have sent you a message in the first place. Moreover, (I am utterly sorry that I have to say this) there is nothing in you that I ought to be afraid of; from your hair and your face to your front and behind, and to your toes - nothing. Also, it said a lot about you when you refused to apologize for sending me the rude texts (just because you felt[sic] the things I did were "unreasonable and uncalled for", which was none of your business to start with), and for all the things I did not mention (sending him a picture of yourself to wish him happy birthday, being unable to keep your hands off him in group photos, etc). If you had actually dared to call me sensitive and fearful, I would pretty much like to call you shameless. You were attached, and so was he. If you did not know your place then, I hope that you do now.
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